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sfislands 1.1.2

sfislands 1.1.1

sfislands 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2025-03-01

New Features

  • The functions st_manual_cut_nb and st_manual_join_nb have been deprecated and replaced by the more intuitively named st_force_cut_nb and st_force_join_nb.

    • The new st_force_cut_nb() and st_force_join_nb() functions work similarly to their predecessors, but now include a new argument xy_df. This allows multiple cuts or joins to be applied in a single function call, improving both performance and usability.
    • The xy_df argument should be a data frame containing two columns, x and y, representing pairs of units to be cut or joined.
  • In st_bridges(), the argument geom_col_name has been deprecated in favour of the clearer row_identifier.

    • This is purely a naming change — the functionality remains the same.

Bug Fixes

  • Several spurious warnings and messages that appeared in version 1.0 have been resolved.

Other Improvements

  • Error messages have been reviewed and improved for better clarity and consistency.

sfislands 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-21

  • Initial CRAN release.

sfislands 0.1.0

  • Initial development release.